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Studio Policies

Discounted Trial Class

              Squak Art Studio offers one trial class to prospective students at a discount  (1.5 hours - $25 | 2 hours - $30 | 3 hours - $40). During this class, students will draw from sample lessons and explore basic art skills and concepts. Introductory class credit must be used in a single class period during the session in which it was purchased. These credits are limited to one per new student.


Family Discounts

              We know the value of sharing art with others, and we offer discounts to encourage it. Family members who are paid for jointly will receive a 5% discount on their class and camp tuition. When enrolling online at, the family discount can be applied by using the promocode “family5” during checkout.


Multiple Camp Discounts

             When a student enrolls in more than one week of camp through a joint payment, the tuition is discounted by 5%. The promo-code for multiple camp discounts is “multi5”.


Referral Discounts

When an enrolled student refers a friend or relative who then enrolls in 4+ classes/camp days, both the new student and the student who referred them will receive a $20 discount on their next tuition. The promo-code for referral discounts is “refer20”.


Signing Up

               New students can start out in a class by enrolling in a trial lesson at the registration page. Staff will contact you by email to schedule the lesson once payment has been received. If a class time in not posted on the registration page, this means that the period is at capacity. Please contact us to be placed on a waitlist for a full class.


Class Release Agreement & Safety Policy

              At Squak Art Studio we take the safety and privacy of our students very seriously. We are committed to practicing due diligence while overseeing minors in our space. Part of our instruction relates to the safe use of materials, tools and facilities. Nonetheless, all students or their guardians must read and sign the appropriate release agreement in order to attend classes or camps at Squak Art Studio. Class and camp release agreements can be found on our website, or at the studio desk.


Maximum Capacities & Waitlists

              It is important that each student receive a fair and equal amount of attention from their instructor. For this reason, we limit the number of seats in our courses to 11 students per teacher. 

              If the class that you want to enroll in is already at capacity, you can contact the studio and ask to be put on the waitlist for that time slot. If a seat becomes open, we will call the first customer on the list, and they will have 72 hours to reply. If they do not, then we will call the next name on the waitlist and wait the same amount of time.


Gift Certificates

              An enriching creative experience makes a great gift. Squak Art Studio offers gift certificates for classes and supplies. They are redeemable up to one year after the date of payment, after which they would become invalid. To ask about gift certificates, please call, email, or visit us during business hours.


Absences, Rescheduling & Make-Up Classes

             We understand that everyone’s calendar is different, and that plans can change unexpectedly. In this light, we try to be as flexible as possible when accommodating absences and make-up classes. Enrollees should inform staff of any planned absences during registration, so that the student will be marked as excused and their credit will carry over to the next week of class.

             In case of last-minute excused absences, two classes can be rescheduled per school-year quarter (i.e. fall, winter and spring) without penalty when notice is given at least one hour before the student’s class. In summer quarter the limit is four classes. If notice is not given before this time, this constitutes an unexcused absence and the credit for that class is marked as used. If a student has four unexcused absences in a session they are removed from the roster and their seat is made available to other students.

             Exceptions to the unexcused absence policy are made for students who miss class due to a sudden illness, injury or emergency. We especially avoid penalizing students who are absent because they are contagiously ill. We appreciate such consideration and will gladly reschedule classes in such cases without penalty.


Renewing & Long-Term Enrollment

              Squak Art Studio values returning students. If you plan on re-enrolling for four or more classes, we ask that you submit payment by the first class of your new payment period. Doing so ensures your reservation in a specific class. If payment is submitted after this time, a $10 late fee will be added to your tuition. If seven days pass and payment is not received, the seat may be made available to other students.


Withdrawing & Long Absences

              If a student needs to withdraw from their regular classes indefinitely, we ask that our staff be given at least 7 days’ notice before that student’s last day of class.


Transferring & Rescheduling

              Students can transfer to a different class once per session without extra charge. If a student needs to transfer twice or more in a session, they will be charged a $10 processing fee for each additional class rescheduling. Make-up classes cannot be rescheduled. 


Emails & Phone Messages

              We want to hear from you, so efficient communication is a priority at our office. Squak Art Studio is easiest to contact by phone (425.677.7622) or email ( If you call and we are unable to answer, please leave a message. We respond to emails and phone messages within two business days.


Arriving & Dropping Off Students

              Students can enter class ten minutes before their scheduled class time, but no sooner. This extra teb-minute period is to allow students to get situated and is non-instructional. We ask that parents and guardians who are dropping off children and teenagers enter with them to ensure that the studio is open and that they are on the class roster.


Picking Students Up & Late Pick-Up Fee

              We ask that parents and guardians pick up their students no later than ten minutes after the scheduled end of class. If students are not picked up within this time, the guardian will be charged a childcare fee of $1.00 per minute after the ten-minute grace time.


Accompanied & Unaccompanied Dismissal

              After class, students under 18 years old must be accompanied by their parent or guardian when leaving the studio. We can also permit other adults to pick up the student if the instructor is given notice by the guardian before class. For the sake of safety, this adult must be familiar to the student.

              It can be arranged for students age 11 or older to leave the studio unaccompanied. To do so, please fill out an unaccompanied dismissal form at the front desk. The student will then be flagged on the class roster as permitted to leave without an adult caretaker.


Refunds & Cancellations

              Squak Art Studio will gladly refund credit for short-term packages up to 14 days after they were purchased, less a $25 processing fee and the value of any used credits. After this period credits are no longer refundable, but we will keep them on the buyer’s account for up to one year from the date of purchase. These unused credits do not guarantee or reserve a seat in a specific class. They can be redeemed depending on the changing availability of seats and the student’s schedule. Long-term subscription credit can be refunded, but require a fee equal to 15% of all unused classes in the subscription.

              Summer camp credits and art parties can be refunded in full, minus a $25 processing fee, if notice is given 7 days before the camp/party date. After the 7-day period, they become nonrefundable but can be kept on file as class credits for up to one year. They become void after this period.


Inclement Weather Closures

             Snow, flooding and other dangerous weather conditions may cause classes to close unexpectedly. In such an event, students and guardians will first be notified by email and their credits will be transferred to a future class date. If you receive this email, please respond to confirm that you are aware of the closure. If an email confirmation is not received, staff will then reach out by phone to ensure that students are informed of the schedule change. Closures will also be posted on the studio homepage. 


Health Needs & Allergies

              Squak Art Studio puts the safety of students above all other priorities. To ensure this, we ask guardians to disclose any medical needs that their enrolled dependents have, if they deem them relevant in a class setting. We especially want to know about life-threatening allergies, and the need for devices such as epinephrine autoinjectors, before the minor enters the studio. This information will help us cater to the health and safety of every student.


Wheelchair Access

              Squak Art Studio is on the second floor of the Gilman Station building at 240 Gilman Blvd., Issaquah. This building is exempt from wheelchair ramp and elevator requirements, and the second floor is only accessible by two flights of stairs. Unfortunately, this means that Squak Art Studio is not wheelchair accessible at its current location. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause to prospective students. If you would like to discuss alternatives to classes held in our studio, please contact our office.


Code of Dress, Conduct & Physical Propriety

             Squak Art Studio strives to provide a healthy, secure, and non-discriminatory environment for everyone. In support of this, guests are required to adhere to codes of dress and behavior laid out in these policies. All guests regardless of gender identity must wear shoes or sandals, as well as a shirt, skirt, dress, pants, or shorts. In other words, one may not dress in a way that exposes their genitals, buttocks, or nipples. Those wearing clothing with profane or offensive imagery or text will be refused service. Firearms and tasers may not be brought into the studio by anyone other than law enforcement. Recreational drugs, including cannabis, are not permitted at any time. When the studio is open to the public, open bottles of alcohol are not permitted.

             Squak Art Studio is proud to offer a welcoming and safe space for everyone regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, nationality, political leaning, or religion. If staff determines that the comments or actions of a guest are discriminatory, dangerous, or risk undermining the comfort and well-being of others, then that person will be refused service.

             Both staff and guests are required to compose themselves in a way that preserves the physical and sexual safety of all. To guarantee privacy, it is not permitted for more than one person to enter the restroom at a time, excepting a relation or guardian who must assist their dependent. When a student must be alone with staff in the studio, at least one of them must be in the common space. Students, guests and staff are not permitted to be together in any enclosed part of the studio, such as the restroom or closets. When together, they must always be in a part of the studio that is publicly visible, such as the classroom, gallery or entryway.

             It is vital that guests and staff alike honor the comfort and personal boundaries of others while in the studio. Handshakes, high fives and other common forms of physical greeting are permitted. Sexual and sensual touching is categorically prohibited. Guests and staff may not discuss sexually explicit topics, share pornographic images, or display profane text. Unwanted sexual advances will result in the offender being barred, and any instance of sexual assault or indecent exposure will be reported to law enforcement. Squak Art Studio is a place for all ages and identities, and its administration takes to heart the bodily sovereignty of everyone who comes in.

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